Friday, October 18, 2024

5A Clubs!

 Monday 10/21 and Friday 10/25 Chess Club will meet. Don't forget to check the buzz to sign up for our upcoming tournament.

Dungeons and Dragons Club members who came last week to the painting event will be able to pick a model they would like to paint to represent their character. We will work on these models Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. (10/21-10/23). There will be no D&D club on Monday 10/28 due to the chess tournament. But on 10/29 and 10/30 we will have a special Halloween Themed Adventures for the players. The Dungeon Masters have been working hard to write these fun spooky adventures and we will be collaborating with a professional comic book writer/ D&D player to make these adventures even more awesome. It's not too late to make a character for this special event. 

Tabletop Miniature Game Club will meet Tuesday and Wednesday, they may join in on the painting or play. (10/22 & 10/23)