Crocker Middle School is dedicated to helping our students make respectful, responsible, and safe online decisions at school and home. Students should always think carefully before posting or playing games.
"Acceptable use" means using technology resources appropriately and following the rules outlined in the HCSD Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA), which you and your parents have reviewed and signed before receiving your Chromebooks. Remember, playing video games at school is prohibited. Additionally, HCSD monitors all searches and Google apps (such as email, Docs, and Sheets) through GoGuardian.
Repeated misuse of your Chromebook will lead to the following consequences:
1st offense: A staff member will issue a warning. They may also take the Chromebook away for the rest of the period or the remainder of recess. An administrator will be notified.
2nd offense: You will turn in your Chromebook to Mr. Hager at the end of the day, meet with an administrator, and you will not have access to your Chromebook until the next morning. You will need to use an alternate device for online homework.
3rd+ offense: You will turn in your Chromebook to Mr. Hager each day for a week, which may include weekends. You will also use an alternate device for online homework.
*For serious offenses, you will be sent to an administrator, parents will be contacted, and, depending on the situation, more severe consequences may be applied.
Following the Acceptable Use Agreement of Technology, you can use your Chromebook as intended.
Crocker Middle School is dedicated to helping our students make respectful, responsible, and safe online decisions at school and home. Students should always think carefully before posting or playing games.
"Acceptable use" means using technology resources appropriately and following the rules outlined in the HCSD Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA), which you and your parents have reviewed and signed before receiving your Chromebooks. Remember, playing video games at school is prohibited. Additionally, HCSD monitors all searches and Google apps (such as email, Docs, and Sheets) through GoGuardian.
Repeated misuse of your Chromebook will lead to the following consequences:
1st offense: A staff member will issue a warning. They may also take the Chromebook away for the rest of the period or the remainder of recess. An administrator will be notified.
2nd offense: You will turn in your Chromebook to Mr. Hager at the end of the day, meet with an administrator, and you will not have access to your Chromebook until the next morning. You will need to use an alternate device for online homework.
3rd+ offense: You will turn in your Chromebook to Mr. Hager each day for a week, which may include weekends. You will also use an alternate device for online homework.
*For serious offenses, you will be sent to an administrator, parents will be contacted, and, depending on the situation, more severe consequences may be applied.
Following the Acceptable Use Agreement of Technology, you can use your Chromebook as intended.