Monday, January 13, 2025

Reminder: Office Phone & Signing Out

Hello, Crocker,

If you are feeling ill at school please come to the office to call home. Please don't go into the restroom and use your cell phone. We want all students to stay safe, and the office staff needs to know if you are ill. 

Use the office phone if you need to call home. However, if you forgot your Chromebook, you can borrow one from Mr. Hager in the MakerSpace. Additionally, lunch is provided to everyone for free every day in the MPR. When possible, use recess times to call home, so you don't miss a lesson.

If you leave campus early, you must be signed out in the office by a parent, guardian, or designated adult. 

Thank you for your cooperation, Vikings,

Lisa Ayer

Crocker Middle School Assistant Principal


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