Monday, January 6, 2025

Welcome Back Reminders

Welcome back, Students and Staff,

I hope everyone had a healthy and restful break. Here are a few reminders as we begin the second half of the year.

1) Cell phone/Smartwatch policy--please remember to have all cell phones and smart watches either off or in airplane mode. If you need to reach your parents, please use the office phone during break time. Cell phones are to be put away in your backpack and Smartwatches are to be in airplane mode from when you arrive at Crocker until the last bell of the day.

2) Lunch--Remember that our lunch locations are as follows:

6th Grade--continue to sit in the MPR for the next few days, and Ms. Ayer will share expectations over the next few days for sitting in the courtyards.

7th and 8th Grades--MPR courtyard, blue table courtyard, on the grass in front of the Lecture Hall. 8th graders only may sit on the grass near the band room. Please, no eating in front of the MPR or the backside of the Makerspace room. Please remember to pick up any trash belonging to you and encourage your friends to clean up too!

If you have LunchMaster, please walk to the MPR and be patient as you wait to pick up your lunch.

3) Recess-- If you check out a ball, you must sign it out, and you are responsible for returning it at the end of recess. No food, drink, or backpacks are allowed on the blacktop. Use the restrooms in the MPR during morning and lunch recess.

Thank you and I wish everyone a safe and successful 2025!