Friday, March 7, 2025

πŸŽ‰ Skate Date – Let’s Roll! πŸ›Ό

Get ready to lace up your skates and hit the rink—HREC & Crocker Leadership are bringing you an epic All-Schools Roller Skating Night! πŸ›Ό✨

πŸ“… When: Saturday, April 12
πŸ“ Where: North Tennis Courts
🎟 Cost: $25 per skater (includes rental if needed!)

We've got NEW start times!
🟑 1:00 – 2:30 PM: Elementary/Family Skate
πŸ”΅ 3:00 – 4:30 PM: Middle School Skate

Never skated before? No worries! Lessons will be available to get you rolling in no time.

Snag your tickets now at before they're gone!

Can't wait to see you there—let's roll! πŸŽΆπŸ•Ί

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Pi Digit Contest today

Our annual Pi Digit Contest will be today at lunch. Contestants can grab your lunch and come on up to the library, so we can get started right away. The library will be closed during our contest. Sorry, no spectators. 

Yesterday was Overdue Day. Please check your email to see if you received an overdue notice, and turn in your late books ASAP. 

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IFF Meeting Today

Happy Friday! 

There will be an IFF meeting for all participants  today during lunch in the lecture hall. Please grab your lunch and we will see you there!

Ms. Mendelson (Bowie)
Crocker P.E. and Leadership

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Reminder: Dance Expectations

Good morning, Crocker,

Please review the expectations for the dance:

1. The dance is on Friday, March 7, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. These events are for Crocker students only.
2. Students in good standing and wishing to attend a school dance can purchase tickets before the dance at AM recess or at the entrance to the dance.
3. The dances are scheduled from 6:00-8:00 PM and held in the MPR.
4. Students must attend at least three periods of a school day to participate in a school dance. If a student does not attend school the day of the dance due to illness or leaves school early the day of the dance due to illness, the student cannot attend the dance that evening.
5. Once students enter, they are not allowed to leave until the dance officially ends at 8:00 PM. Please arrive on time; the doors close promptly 30 minutes after the dance begins.
6. The courtyard is available for students who want a break from the dark and/or loud music. The Student Store is open for purchasing a snack or drink for yourself. Do not bring too much money in case it gets lost.
7. Phones are allowed at the dance, but using the phone and taking pictures or videos is prohibited. Phones will be confiscated if they are used. Do not bring other electronic devices to the dance.
8. There is not a chaperoned area to leave purses, backpacks, or other items, so students should leave valuables at home.
9. All students must arrange to be picked up in front of the MPR upon the conclusion of the dance by a parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to walk home on their own, be picked up from a different location, or call a driving service, like Uber or Lyft.

Thank you for your cooperation, Vikings,

Lisa Ayer

Crocker Middle School Assistant Principal


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Thursday, March 6, 2025

Overdue Day today

Today is Overdue Day. Please be sure to check your library account and turn in or renew your late library books. 7th graders be sure to turn in your books before your field trip and check out something new for quiet time on your trip. There are lots of new books on display.

Tomorrow is our PI Digit contest. You must sign up in advance. See Mrs. Gilchrist for a study sheet. The library will be closed during our contest. Sorry, no spectators.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Todays IM postponed to FRIDAY



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Library News

The library will be closed at lunch today for the February Reading Challenge Party. Please take care of your library business at morning recess. 

Friday is our Pi Digit Contest. See Mrs. Gilchrist to sign up. Study sheets are on the library counter. You must sign up in advance. 

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Rainy Day Reminders

Good morning, Crocker,

It may rain during recess and lunch today. Please WALK under the eaves in the hallways to help stay dry and do not run. Do not leave your backpack or Chromebook out in the open.

Locations to go during Recess, Lunch, and Lunch Recess:
Morning recess - Library, Lecture Hall, Maker Space, and MPR (No sports in the MPR)
Lunch - Tables in MPR, Lecture Hall, Band Room (music students), Maker Space, or Oasis (rm. 3)
Lunch Recess - Library, Lecture Hall, MPR, Band Room (music students), Maker Space, Oasis, and Gym for Intramurals (no food or drinks in the gym)
Roaming in the hallways is NOT an option. Choose a spot and stay there.

Please remember to pick up your trash and keep these indoor areas clean.
Stay dry, and have a great day, Vikings!

Lisa Ayer

Crocker Middle School Assistant Principal


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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Overdue Day this Week

This Thursday is Overdue Day. Please check your backpack and locker for library books and turn them in. 7th graders- please turn in your library books before your field trip- and check out a new book for your quiet time on the trip. 

What's on display in the library? Here are some good recommendations if you need a new book.
The California Young Reader Medal nominees (and last year's winners)- submit your vote before we leave for Spring Break. You must read all the books in a category to vote for that category.
Disney's Twisted Tales
Books by Kelly Yang- she has a 1/2 birthday this week and
Great books from 2000- come in and post your guess for what's in the time capsule and see what other VIkings have guessed.
Mrs. Gilchrist is also putting out lots of new books this week. Check in to see what's new!

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Reminder: Dance Expectations

Good morning, Crocker,

Please review the expectations for the dance:

1. The dance is on Friday, March 7, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. These events are for Crocker students only.
2. Students in good standing and wishing to attend a school dance can purchase tickets before the dance at AM recess or at the entrance to the dance.
3. The dances are scheduled from 6:00-8:00 PM and held in the MPR.
4. Students must attend at least three periods of a school day to participate in a school dance. If a student does not attend school the day of the dance due to illness or leaves school early the day of the dance due to illness, the student cannot attend the dance that evening.
5. Once students enter, they are not allowed to leave until the dance officially ends at 8:00 PM. Please arrive on time; the doors close promptly 30 minutes after the dance begins.
6. The courtyard is available for students who want a break from the dark and/or loud music. The Student Store is open for purchasing a snack or drink for yourself. Do not bring too much money in case it gets lost.
7. Phones are allowed at the dance, but using the phone and taking pictures or videos is prohibited. Phones will be confiscated if they are used. Do not bring other electronic devices to the dance.
8. There is not a chaperoned area to leave purses, backpacks, or other items, so students should leave valuables at home.
9. All students must arrange to be picked up in front of the MPR upon the conclusion of the dance by a parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to walk home on their own, be picked up from a different location, or call a driving service, like Uber or Lyft.

Thank you for your cooperation, Vikings,

Lisa Ayer

Crocker Middle School Assistant Principal


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Monday, March 3, 2025

So much Library News!!!

Congratulations to our amazing group of readers who completed the February Reading Challenge. The library will be closed on Wednesday at lunch, so these folks can celebrate their achievement:
6th graders- Serena, Alison, Natalie, Annabelle L., Daniel, Kanae & Julia
7th graders- Jasper, Nathan, Isaac, & Annabelle Y.
8th graders- Luke and Jackson
Staff- Mrs. Grady, Mr. MacKenzie, Mrs. Morganstern (7 books!!!) & Mrs. Gilchrist

This week is Celebrate Your Name week- check the table in the library for an art activity inspired by Google Doodles- give your name art to Mrs. Gilchrist to hang on the wall.

Friday is our Pi Digit contest- See Mrs. Gilchrist to sign up. There are study sheets on the library counter. YOUR name could be included on the pie plate trophy in the library. 

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8th Grade 2025 Mural

Keira Rodgers is in charge of the 8th grade mural for the class of 2025. She is super excited to do this, but needs some help coming up with ideas and themes since the current murals are being taken down because of the MPR remodel this summer. The 8th grade class wants to make something permanent, memorable to be seen by future classes of Crocker students. Please come find Keira at recess to discuss this important project.

Tie Dye and Crafting

 The Craft Club will be hosting tie dye workshops in March, the month of tie dye and crafting. All students are welcome. However, they will need to bring their white clothing to dye. We will still meet in the Art room during all of lunch on Wednesdays! 

Friday, February 28, 2025

March 5th Crocker Connect

 March 5th during Crocker Connect:

7th graders going on the So Cal trip go to the lecture hall right after attendance. Do not watch HTV first. (this will be a 30 minute event)

7th graders not going on the trip go to room 3 right after attendance. Do not watch HTV first. (this will be a 30 minute event)

8th Graders:

Students will go to different locations based on their public high school choice. They must go to the school they are currently enrolled in.

Students attending BHS will go to the MPR ( Mr. Cima please be the teacher lead for this group)

Students attending San Mateo High School go to the library (Mr. Collins please be the teacher lead for this group)

Students attending Aragon go to room 5D (Ms. Grady please be the teacher lead for this group)

All other teachers that teach 8th graders first period go to one of these presentations.  Please note that this event for 8th graders will be from 8:30-9:30.This is the high school programming event that we have each year with our feeder schools.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Library News

Friday at 3:20 is the last day to submit your completion forms for the February Reading Challenge. There are seven finishers so far! Nice job to Jackson and Julia who finished this week. For our finishers, keep an eye on your email for an invite to our reading party on Tuesday at lunch.  Keep reading, Crocker.

Get pumped for Pi Day. Our annual Pi Digit contest will be held early on Friday, March 7th, so the 7th graders can participate. Sign up with Mrs. Gilchrist and pick up a study sheet. You could find YOUR name on our pie plate trophy!

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