Wednesday, August 25, 2021

New Library Procedures

The library will be open at lunch on Thursday and Friday this week. Mrs. Gilchrist is so excited to welcome students back to the library.
Please note the NEW library procedures for this year. 
When the 15 min lunch bell rings.Please WALK up the stairs by HTV/Lecture Hall. There is now one entrance and one exit on the front side of the library (by the 6th grade locker hallway.) Students need to LINE UP at the entrance, SIGN IN on the clipboard and use hand sanitizer before entering the library. This is important to help with contract tracing if needed and to ensure students have clean hands while looking at books.
Please stay downstairs if you don't have library business (find a book, read, do HW, etc.) If you are just hanging out chatting,  you'll need to stay downstairs.
Students should not be at your locker or in the upstairs hallways during lunch. When your library business is done, please head back downstairs immediately. All students should EXIT through the correct EXIT door on the front side of the library. The back doors are for emergency exit only. See Mrs. Gilchrist if you have questions. 

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