Wednesday, September 8, 2021

First Spirit Day and Class Competition of the Year- FRIDAY!!

Get ready Vikings, your first spirit day and class competition of the year is this Friday (10th) and it is happening on the field during lunch recess.  

Spirit Day - USA day in remembrance of all the victims and their families on 9/11.
Dress in as much red, white and blue as possible.  You will need to represent all three colors to be counted for class competition points.

Class Competition is on the field.  After you are done eating lunch head down to the field to participate.  Everyone gets to participate in this first class competition!  Once you get to the field, find the sign that represents your grade level.  When lunch recess begins our spirit commissioner will welcome us, explain the rules, and let the games begin!

We can't wait to see you there, 

Student Council

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