Monday, September 27, 2021

Library News

Are you a smarty pants? Is your brain full of facts? If so, maybe a trivia team is for you. Join Mrs Gilchrist and Mr. MacKenzie in the library at lunch on Tuesday to learn more about Crocker's trivia team. Eat your lunch first and then hustle up to the library at 1:00.
** The library will be open to regular business on Tuesday as well.

If you need a new library card for the Burlingame Public Library, please get an application from Mrs. Gilchrist. Forms are due this THURSDAY. Your new card will be delivered to school for you. 

Please double check at home that you do not have any core lit books left from last year. We really need them returned, so this year's students can read them. Thanks for taking another look to be sure you've turned everything in. 

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