Monday, September 13, 2021

Special Book Club opportunity

 The San Mateo County Office of Education is sponsoring a San Mateo County Reads program this fall, ( and the book for middle grades this year is Black Brother, Black Brother by Jewell Parker Rhodes. 

As part of this program, the teen librarian from the Burlingame Public Library will be coming to Crocker for a one time special book club to read and discuss this book.
If you are interested, contact Mrs. Gilchrist to sign up right away. Space is limited. You will have less than two weeks to read the book. A copy of the book will be provided, but you must commit to reading it and attending the lunchtime discussion meeting (date TBD.) See Mrs. Gilchrist for more information.
*** This is unrelated to the regular Crocker Book Club that will be coming soon. See Mrs. Gilchrist for more information about that, too.