The library is closed today for an all day meeting.
Spelling Bee News- Congratulations to our classroom spelling bee champs. These students will compete in the school-wide spelling bee on Friday, January 10th. Champs, see Mrs. Gilchrist if you want a GREEN study sheet for over winter break. This is a different list than was used for the classroom bees. Give a high-five to these students: Annabelle, Andrew, Audrey, Brandon, Claire, Colin, Daniel, Ellen, Emma, Ethan S., Ethan W., Giada, Isabelle, Jackson, Kyle, Luke, Michael, Nathan, Octavia, Pavinoor, Scarlett, Tansen, & Yuka.
Winter Reading: come grab some new books for your winter break reading. If you'd like to try to earn prizes for your reading, visit the Burlingame Public Library for a winter reading log. Winter reading at the public library runs until January 31st. See the poster in the library window for more information.
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