Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Overdue Day this Week

This Thursday is Overdue Day. Please check your backpack and locker for library books and turn them in. 7th graders- please turn in your library books before your field trip- and check out a new book for your quiet time on the trip. 

What's on display in the library? Here are some good recommendations if you need a new book.
The California Young Reader Medal nominees (and last year's winners)- submit your vote before we leave for Spring Break. You must read all the books in a category to vote for that category.
Disney's Twisted Tales
Books by Kelly Yang- she has a 1/2 birthday this week and
Great books from 2000- come in and post your guess for what's in the time capsule and see what other VIkings have guessed.
Mrs. Gilchrist is also putting out lots of new books this week. Check in to see what's new!

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