Friday, March 7, 2025

Reminder: Dance Expectations

Good morning, Crocker,

Please review the expectations for the dance:

1. The dance is on Friday, March 7, for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. These events are for Crocker students only.
2. Students in good standing and wishing to attend a school dance can purchase tickets before the dance at AM recess or at the entrance to the dance.
3. The dances are scheduled from 6:00-8:00 PM and held in the MPR.
4. Students must attend at least three periods of a school day to participate in a school dance. If a student does not attend school the day of the dance due to illness or leaves school early the day of the dance due to illness, the student cannot attend the dance that evening.
5. Once students enter, they are not allowed to leave until the dance officially ends at 8:00 PM. Please arrive on time; the doors close promptly 30 minutes after the dance begins.
6. The courtyard is available for students who want a break from the dark and/or loud music. The Student Store is open for purchasing a snack or drink for yourself. Do not bring too much money in case it gets lost.
7. Phones are allowed at the dance, but using the phone and taking pictures or videos is prohibited. Phones will be confiscated if they are used. Do not bring other electronic devices to the dance.
8. There is not a chaperoned area to leave purses, backpacks, or other items, so students should leave valuables at home.
9. All students must arrange to be picked up in front of the MPR upon the conclusion of the dance by a parent/guardian. Students are not allowed to walk home on their own, be picked up from a different location, or call a driving service, like Uber or Lyft.

Thank you for your cooperation, Vikings,

Lisa Ayer

Crocker Middle School Assistant Principal


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